See also: Style Guide

Heyo! If you’re reading this guide, chances are you’re interested in some extent in contributing to this project. If so, thank you so much! <3

However, there are a few boring points to cover first before diving in. This not only makes my job easier, but hopefully also streamlines things for you as well. If you play your cards right and already take good class & lecture notes, then contributing will be no extra effort beyond just submitting your notes!

Choosing a contribution

First off, you’ll need something to pass to me. This could either be an adaptation of your existing notes, or a totally new piece you’re writing. The only requirement is that it’s your own work. (If it’s someone else’s, feel free to give them a nudge to submit it themselves!)

There are two main ways to contribute - you can either write a note / page / article / section from scratch, or you can find an incomplete section and fill it in.

For ideas on what to contribute, click on the below button (or just search for #todo in the sidebar) to list all pages which are marked with a todo tag and are just begging for somebody to come along and add to it:


Writing a new note

If you’re writing your notes from scratch, please do check out the Style Guide before you start writing - it’ll minimise the tweaking and editorial work required for getting your work onto here!

I’m more than happy to accept notes in any format, including Markdown, Microsoft Word or OpenDocument Text (ODT) documents, PDFs, OneNote or Notion pages, plain text, or even just scans or photos of paper notes. I have a preference for source documents where possible (i.e. editable digital files) as it means I have to do less work typing things up, with the best format being Markdown1.

Images and diagrams

If you submit a digital source document, I can easily lift images from it and include them on the website. I can also substitute images with other images sourced from the internet where appropriate.

For diagrams, I’d be willing to redraw them in Excalidraw where it’s straightfoward to do so, for consistency and readability.

Submitting your work

Let’s say you’ve done all of the hard work; you’ve written your note, made a reasonable effort to make it fit in with the site, and are ready to send it off.

If you have my contact details, just ping me a message over email, WhatsApp, Discord, Telegram, Signal, or whatever other way you can reach me. (My univeristy email is as714, by the way.)

Otherwise, just send an email to [email protected] and you’re golden!


  1. If you haven’t heard of Markdown before, it’s a really nice way of easily formatting your text without any fancy editors. If you’ve ever used **asterisks** for bold text or _underscores_ for italics, you already know some Markdown! Check out for a simple introduction.